
Employability Training

How it works, and how to get in touch…

We offer a range of accredited qualifications to people who are unemployed or on a low income; they include qualifications such as Health and Social Care, Caring for Children under the age of 5, Business Administration and IT – these qualifications range from entry level up to level 2.

Our courses are suitable for anyone who is looking to build confidence, change career, upskill knowledge, have been out of work for a period or are searching for new employment opportunities. Our dedicated tutors will be there to support you with each stage of your learner journey.


We also offer support for people who are looking to improve their maths and English skills with our suite of functional skills starting at entry level 1 and moving up to level 2.


Our courses are delivered 3 days a week for 6 weeks; most of our courses are through a blended approach and the training is tailored to meet your individual needs.

How Does It Work?

Remote Delivery

Whilst we are delivering remotely learners can access their classroom via Microsoft Teams, Google Classrooms or Zoom – these apps can be downloaded onto a smartphone (no cost). The App will allow the tutors to upload resources, YouTube links and key information that the learners will need to allow them to complete their learner journey with us. Learners will log in to their classroom to allow for informal conversations and the live teaching session will begin once everyone has registered, (Webcams are optional). We do understand that learners may have young children at home so attending zoom calls may be difficult, we will discuss this with you individually.

Classroom Delivery

We offer traditional classroom face to face delivery across a number of locations. Each classroom has a dedicated tutor throughout the programme.
Our classroom delivery provides a holistic learning experience by combining academic instruction with the social and emotional growth that comes from direct tutor and student interaction and peer learning.


  • Learners must be Aged 19 years or above
  • Learners must be unemployed
  • Learners must have been a resident in the UK for 3 years or more

Eligibility is subject to change, please contact us for the most up to date criteria.

Employability Training Case Studies

Employability Training FAQ

When will I get my certificates?

On successful completion of the course, certificates usually take a minimum of 8 weeks to be posted out to you once it has been released from the Awarding Body.

When can I start my level 2?

Once you have completed a level 1 qualification with us, there are a couple of progression pathways available to you.  Not all learners will automatically progress onto one of our level 2 courses.

  •       Pathway 1 – course progression

If you are serious about securing employment and progressing your career, you will have an informal discussion with our level 2 tutors about the best way forward for you.

  •       Pathway 2 – employment progression

Following on from your level 1 course, you could progress straight into employment and be given the opportunity to develop your skills further in the workplace, and work towards a level 2 qualification with your employer.

What happens if I do not finish the course on time?

We understand that things happen which may mean you need some time away from your learning, and as a result you are unable to achieve on time.  Each case will be considered individually depending on your circumstances – all we ask is that you maintain clear lines of communication with your tutor.

What other courses are available to me?

For information on our other courses follow the link to view our full offer of courses.

Will the course help me gain employment?

Our employability courses are designed to help you learn new skills, develop your knowledge, and support you when you apply for employment opportunities.

Learner Testimonials

I have a much better understanding of the different stages of a child's development, the inner workings of a school and what is required to ensure the wellbeing of all children. I have a greater knowledge of the current legislations and policies and am also aware of the signs of abuse and importance of following the current procedure when addressing any safeguarding concerns. Through completing the course, I have improved my English and IT skills also which has in turn increased my confidence enough to progress to the next course at level three. I am thankful to have been offered the chance to gain so much knowledge within the course and feel I am much more prepared should I have the opportunity to volunteer. I hope to enrol on the level three course –

Tara Knipes Award in support work in schools March 2023

I now know about policies and procedures of different types of schools, I have learnt about steps I can take if I come across any challenging situations and I have learnt about a lot of different outside organisations and agencies that work with schools, which offer help and support to a wide range of students. I can now go on to work in schools as a teaching assistant, I can continue onto other courses to expand my knowledge about other areas of the childcare sector. I have really enjoyed this course, throughout the course there has been constant support when needed. The tutor has explained everything in detail, making sure everyone knows exactly what they are doing before going off on their own, to complete the tasks for that assignment. The tutor always gives an opportunity for any questions at the end of all live teaching sessions, they also offer support via email, text or phone when needed

Tracey Hicks Award in support work in schools March 2023

I have learnt a range of knowledge including policies, procedures, safeguarding and child development. I'm more aware of situations in which this knowledge becomes very useful. I’m also aware of what I can do regarding any concerns with staff. I’ve enjoyed doing this course. I have gained knowledge and confidence which will help me in my career

Katie Fuller Award in support work in schools March 2023.

I now know the various agencies responsible for the welfare of children and their duties as well as the responsibilities and roles of other professionals in a school. Before the course I did not know about the laws that pertain to schools although I have studied law. I had heard of safeguarding but did not have an in depth knowledge about it. At the start of the course I did not have deep knowledge about the importance of inclusion practises. Now I will be able to ensure that my responsibilities as teaching assistant are met to a high standard to benefit the pupils that I may support in school. Having the knowledge the course has provided I will be able to better protect the welfare of the children whom I may work with as well as use various strategies to establish a healthy relationship with them. I will be able to plan various ways in which to ensure that all children feel included and that their individual needs are supported. Finally, I will be able to challenge discrimination and prejudice in a professional manner. Overall, the course was more informative than originally expected and I am glad to have completed this course and gained the knowledge to start a career as a teaching assistant. Thank you for all your feedback and teaching time

Tahsha Juma award in support work in schools March 2023

I now know the skills , knowledge and behaviours of a level 2 support work in schools as a teaching assistant. Day to day roles of what is included in the role , Equality , Diversity and inclusion when working with children/young people, how to interact and respond to children , also how important laws and policies are when working in a school. I have enjoyed learning about the support work in a school. I have gained a lot of knowledge and understanding throughout this course about things I didn't know and will use this to hopefully gain employment .Thankyou Marika for all your help throughout this course , I appreciate all the feedback you gave me to help better myself going forward. All the best

Chloe Callaghan award in support work in schools March 2023

I wanted to let you know how much I have enjoyed the course.
I have learnt new things about how to check for copyright free images and how to insert them into my documents.
This has helped me with my anxiety and I now look forward to using the skills I have learnt when going forward to new employment.
I have increased my ability to communicate with others and my listening skills.
I think that we all had a laugh and giggle when doing the kahoot recap quizzes especially when we were guessing the general knowledge questions.
I hope to join more courses that you have to offer as I am in the middle of changing the direction of work that I am looking for. I needed to leave the caring sector but still want to work with people.
Once again I would like to thank you for the brilliant time I have had on this course and look forward to doing more with you.

Thank you Sandra Joy Oughton.

At the outset of this course I did not have much computer knowledge and wasn't even sure if I would be able to do this course. However, the teaching was excellent and I have learned a lot of new skills from it.

My ICT skills have improved more than I thought possible as a result of the Stretch and Challenge exercises
and I especially liked the recap Kahoot Quiz and interacting with the other members of class.

Julia Hay

I enjoyed the live lessons the most at Plato Training.
All the staff guided me thought the steps and they were very helpful.
During my course I learned a vast majority of skills such as safeguarding, solving problems, child development, equality, diversity, and inclusion.
After this course I am planning on becoming a teaching assistant.
I believe that this course had helped me in my future career development as it gave me a better understanding of what to do as a teaching assistant.
During the course I have also gained confidence at working in schools.

Harsha Ilankoon - Award in support work in schools

I first enrolled onto a course with Plato training in October 2022 and since then I have completed 3 courses the 1st one was level 2 business admin and customer service. The second one was level 2 in Understanding Data Protection and Data Security. The 3rd course I have just completed on the 20th of April 2023 was level 1 in Digital skills and contact centre qualification. Other modules I have completed are safeguarding, prevent, staying safe online, code of conduct and GDPR including the UK GDPR. I plan to do more courses in the future the next one being level 2 in Digital skills.

When I first started at Plato I had very little confidence in my literacy and communication skills over the past 6 months there has been a noticeable improvement in my work and the way of present it. I think my knowledge has improved a lot in all of the areas I have studied with Plato training. My confidence has made amazing improvement, 6 months ago I would not have been able to write this email I would have doubted myself.

My long-term goals are to gain employment in a business type roll. For example, school receptionist or a call centre agent. My previous roles have been in health and social care. Without Fiona's guidance and support in teaching me I would not be trying to push myself to take a career change to better myself and my children's future. Taking part in these courses has really helped me learn how to Improve my time management in being a mum looking after a house and my 3 children and still completing my assignments on time. I have also taken part in the stretch and challenge activities which I really enjoyed, and they really helped me push myself that little bit further. I feel my ICT skills have made a big improvement since learning with Plato training.

I particularly enjoyed the Kahoot quizzes every week they are fun and also helping recap the end of the week. It is also a confidence boost when I came 1st 2 weeks in a row in the quiz. I think my time with Plato training has been a very positive experience with me and I have been so happy engaging in the class and also having 1-1 phone calls with Fiona when I need a bit of extra explanation on a question.

Nicola Peters

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